runningI’m getting paid to exercise! Can you believe it – pinch me – yep it’s real.

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B-day Cakes

I’ve recently decided I enjoy the challenge of attempting to make a birthday cake for my kiddo that resembles his request. With #2 about to have her 1st birthday I find it only appropriate to do the same for her. Granted she is a bit young to put in a request other than “bob” – currently her favorite noise to udder – or pffffftttttt blah da yapa do – not sure how to make that into a cake. So I get to choose. Given her B-day is the day after Valentine’s Day, I’m tempted to include hearts in some way, but possibly not the primary focus as she should get her own day too.

So I went to the internet in search of ideas, and what did I find???!! THE BEST WEBSITE EVER! Continue reading

Too much work?

As I was out and about recently, I overheard part of a conversation a teenaged girl was having with her mom. I don’t know the context but the teen was telling her mom “but then I have to make a playlist and that takes so much work” in a complaining almost whiney voice. My initial reaction was

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The Bureau of Communication

Every husband and wife should be made aware of this site at the time of marriage (if not earlier), and be encouraged if not forced to use it. Continue reading

Poop Giggles

If you’ve ever said the word poop around a 5 year old, you probably were met with giggles. I know my son is very easily amused by the word.

The other day we were looking at downloading a new FREE app for my cell phone that he could ‘play’. Most of his ideas, however, were licensed and thus cost $. I’m not one to purchase apps – esp for game play. So when he told me to enter “just something’ for the search term I choose poop to get a giggle out of him. Little did I know how exciting it would be for both of us. Continue reading

There’s an App for that

Keeping the family calendar organized and communicated is an area I’m always looking to improve. Written calendar on the wall isn’t portable for us to reference on the go. Cell phone calendar has worked for us, but lacks a sharing capability so we still do on occasion have overlapping conflicts.

I’m excited by what I’ve recently discovered Continue reading

Techie Tip – Elections

Looking for a website to follow elections that is user friendly and informative.  Check out this site – 

I’m not a political person, as you may all ready know, but this website I would even use for getting summary information on the canidates, and the colorful graphics.

9/11 Memorial

This year marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Here’s an online site that offers a different view of one of the most tragic days in American history. The National September 11 Memorial & Museum has posted a timeline on its site, tracking the day’s events from early in that day until late in the evening. Continue reading

The New Workout

If you are a frequent user of Facebook, Google +, Twitter, etc you may have found it more difficult to find time to squeeze in a workout. Here’s a great way to multitask your social media needs along with your exercise needs.  Burn the fat not your brain – Here’s a link to the simple workout plan.

Techday Wednesday

OOPsie I forgot to post the websites from yesterday’s Tech Day! Here you go

Want to see what you will look like in 20 years? Maybe you want to see what your significant other will look like down the road. Or just maybe you want to scare off your daughter’s boyfriend. What ever your reasoning this website is a barrel of laughs, or very scarry, if you do your own picture. Certainly a worthy time waster.

Looking for a new dog? Want to be sure you dog looks like you? Upload you picture to   and it will anailyze your face and find an adoptable match for you. I forget what kind of dog I was matched with, but I do remember her name was HOLLY lol LOVE IT – another worthy