3ish things


Friday Night Games

This past weekend was the second annual Glory Gals Retreat . I’m honored that God has chosen me to play the role of organizer for it. As I was finishing the last bit of packing equipment up and getting it loaded into the truck, the director of the facility that is used asked me a great question. What were three things I learned from the weekend.

GULP – ummm ahhhh I had to think about that. It’d been such a busy weekend I hadn’t taken the time to ponder. So I sat down and thought about it.

Here’s what I came up with: Continue reading

What!? I’m not perfect!

I’m at Women of Faith, surrounded by hundreds of women. It’s awesome! Last night we saw the hilarious and very multi talented Anita Renfroe – did I mention hilarious?
After Anita, Sheila Walsh spoke with amazing words, encouraging words, God’s words. As I’m listening and absorbing all that is around me a couple of things become very aware to me. Continue reading

The Taffy Pull

One of my favorite parts of organizing Glory Gals is watching God stretch people. This is especially true of the people I ask (thru his guidance) to be leaders and keynote speakers. Many are not in the business of speaking, and I love that God is directing me towards people just like the Gals attending. taffyI think it shows us all that everyone is special in God’s kingdom, and everyone has a voice to help his kingdom grow.

Today was a day of stretching – and I got to be the taffy puller instead of the taffy! Over the past couple of weeks Continue reading

Reflection on a Retreat

IMG_6672It’s a question I’m being asked quite a bit over the last two weeks – “how was the Glory Gals Retreat?”. My short answer – AMAZING

The longer answer…starts with WOW – I’ll start with a little disclaimer – I don’t feel the verbal (or written in this case) language has the proper tools to explain how incredible my heart feels having gone thru this process. So here’s my best go at it.

Continue reading

Positive and Glorious

zigI was perusing Facebook today while one of our syndicated programs played (Focus on the Family) and I found this graphic posted on Zig Zigler’s page on Facebook.
It stopped me in my scrolling tracks and I started thinking about how amazing God has been in my life these past few months. God has been providing so many wonderful things thru the Glory Gals Retreat I’m putting together (with an amazing crew of volunteers). Some of it has been hard and definitely challenging. There have been times Continue reading


shoulder“WOW that’s a big undertaking” is a phrase I hear quite a bit when people hear I’m putting on the Glory Gals Retreat. Good thing I don’t remember I feel that way until someone mentions it te he. I truly have had my moments of ‘oh crud’ and ‘what was God thinking picking me for this task’, but then there are days like today and I KNOW. I know I’m heading in the right direction. God is so great at tapping me on the shoulder at just the right time and saying psssttt look at this – now do you see?!
Today’s shoulder tap psssttt moment was when Continue reading

Mysterious Benefactor

I got an e-mail last night that warms my heart and was an amazing reminder why I need to continue down the Glory Gals planning path. The e-mail asked me how they would go about paying for some ladies to attend the Glory Gals Retreat. The request was simple yet touching. Without giving too many details away about who this mysterious benefactor is, the story goes something like this. Continue reading

Goal 2014

GoalsSo I was just in the studio and the guest for the next show arrived. As we were chit chatting he asked me what my goal for 2014 was. Great question – I’m not one to set resolutions – bad rap and all. But a goal was a great way to look at it. So here’s what I came up with on the fly and I’m good with keeping even after I’ve taken a moment to ponder it.
I want to focus on growing the Glory Gals Retreat this year and making it an annual event. The other focus is to LISTEN to God’s plan for the retreat and my life. So I’m kinda cheating – my goal is to make God do more work lol.

Glory Gals is Gearing Up

GloryGals-Green01We are getting so close to being able to open up registration! A couple more Is to dot and Ts to cross and we’ll be rocking and rolling with getting people signed up. WOW has this been a whirlwind, yet I’ve felt so calm about the whole process.

We have keynote speakers all in place. Several break out session leaders – one or two more and we’ll be sitting in a perfect place! We have food and housing all covered (thank you Luther Park Bible Camp), we only have to decide on what specific items to serve from their menu, and there are lots of great options so I know we can do it! Music is coming along nicely – helps that I work at a radio station and can ‘test’ the music as I work te he. GGScarfgreenWe have the scarf picked out, and a logo that will work with our embroidery guy’s machines. We are looking at what welcome bag will be best. We have a webpage, Facebook page, and PayPal account. We have several ladies verbally committing to signing up once we open registration! We have smiles and are beaming with excitement hear at the planning headquarters.

84 days until the event! WHOOT

Be sure to check out our website Glorygals.org and like us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WIGloryGals to learn all about the weekend!

Glory Gals Retreat


Let me start at the beginning tho – which was a little over a week ago. It was a Friday just like any typical Friday. I woke up early, got the kids and myself ready, brought the little one to daycare, went to work, talked on the radio…you get the picture. But this particular Friday I had this ‘thing’ stuck in my brain – a retreat for women. Getting 20ish cool and amazing ladies together, taking over a retreat center I know  about and worshiping God for the weekend – yes having fun girly time too.  It was something that had been gnawing away in there for a while so I was beginning  to think I should actually do it.

On occasion when my dad has a week day off of work he will stop by and we chat and enjoy my lunch break together. I love these times as it gives me opportunities to pick his brain and see him without kiddos eager for his attention. I don’t even remember how it came up Continue reading