Weed killer

Every year we get lots of weeds in all the cracks of our sidewalk that runs next to the foundation on one side of our house. I’ve used bribery (kids pulling them) I’ve used chemicals, sweat equity, and I’ve even tried ignoring them.

safe for my 3 year old to use

Bribery usually results in a short lived help, and roots not pulled out – so they come back quickly. Chemicals I’m not excited about w kids and a dog around. Sweating – I can think of better ways. And ignoring doesn’t really solve the problem, and I don’t want them to totally ruin my house.

So, I was on the hunt for a natural method of some sort. After several minutes of Pinterest research I found several similar recipes that all promise great results. Two ingredients were present in them all – vinegar and salt. Both things I had on hand. Continue reading

I DON’T run

Sprints maybe, but never a distance runner. Not that I haven’t tried and tried and tried. Tread mills, independently, with roommates who run…Bare foot, fancy shoes, in the water
… I’ve tried many methods. About 10 years ago I finally came to the conclusion that I’m just not made to run. Well, other than the short bursts after my kids or racing them to the door when it’s raining. I’ll have to stick with walking, biking, or an aerobics video.
I’ve been watching more and more of my friends and acquaintances on Facebook posting pictures of 5Ks they have participated in, and I’ve been invited to join them. I’d politely decline wishing I was made to be a runner but accepting I wasn’t and wait to see the pictures and hear the stories.
That is until last week. I saw posts from 2 sweet friends (within 24 hrs of each other none the less) Continue reading

Parent embrace

20131024-045057.jpgYesterday when I was picking my daughter up from daycare it warmed my heart. Immediately when she noticed I had arrived and she ran straight over to me. She gave me a huge hug and had that twinkle in her eye that reminds you how awesome it is to be her parent. It’s a moment of unconditional love in its raw form.
Made me wonder Continue reading


The boys left early this morning to try and catch the big one! (Fish)
Brie and I slept in, did lots of cuddles, and then Brie insisted we do mani-pedis. Our first at home duo mani-pedis. I let her pick which color for her toes (bright pink) and her fingers (shiny yellow).

20130705-093102.jpg She helped shake up the bottles, and did a great job sitting still while her nails were wet. She helped blow on the to help them dry quicker.
Next was my turn. Toes first, then fingers. On to the second coat and Continue reading

Outside Girl


Perfect picture marring my daughters 2 loves together

We have an outside girl! Now my son has no issues being outside or inside or whatevs, but my daughter wants to be OUTSIDE! It’s so fun to watch how her personality is so different and yet so similar to her older brother. OUTSIDE is definitely her thing – she can be found at the screen door much of the time if she needs to be inside, and if she catches even the dog going outside without here she makes her protest well known.

This past weekend I was doing some transplanting in the yard. Typical stuff, dig a hole, dig up part of a plant, put in hole, fill other hole. Miss Brie was outside ‘helping’ me Continue reading

Yummm Yummm HUG

20130523-133148.jpgI totally forgot to post this the other week! Brie got her hands on her first ear of corn – and this girl was not about to let go! She was in love – she cleaned it off quite impressively. I helped her slightly with turning it, until she noticed I was helping that is and then she pushed me away to stop. 20130523-133157.jpgIndependence will not be a weakness for her. She’s very good at watching others then imitating them -esp when it comes to food.  She loved it so much that when she was done she refused to give it up holding the mangled cob in her hug for quite some time. Cheeky Penguin. I can see I’m going to be cooking LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of the stuff this summer. Bring it!

Weekend Warrior

This past weekend it felt so good to get outside! It also felt good to get so much done that’s been on my list but weather hasn’t co-operated with allowing me to get them done.


Brie checking out her new to us crabby sandbox

Checked off the list: raking the front and side yard (back yard is started), clean off the slide/play gym for the kiddos, planting garden seeds in the starter kit, put some bulbs in the ground, spread the last bag of rock around the tree in the front yard, de-poopify the sidewalk in the back (our dog stops short of where the grass would be in the winter snow), wash the front window’s exterior, put out the yard ornaments and start planning the new planting bed I want to put in the front yard this year.

AHHH yes check check check – it feels great to get these things all done in one weekend – PROGRESS! But I have to say the best part of the weekend was watching Brie explore

Continue reading

Helper Girl

Brie is such a helper girl – she puts her dirty clothes in the hamper shoot, she delivers her used diapers to the garbage can, and now she helps push the cart. If you say “Brie come help me” she comes toddling in with a huge smile and ready to work. Proud mama!




It’s not much of one, but here’s Brie’s first hair pony. Brie has some curls in the back, but not much of anything on top. When I picked her up from daycare today they had taken up the challenge and found just enough hairs to make it work. She was beaming from ear to ear when we were talking about it too. My cute girly girl 🙂


First Birthday Prep

Last week marked the day my daughter completed her first lap around the sun. Yep, we have a 1 year old on our hands and it’s so exciting. She is so full of smiles and giggles and silliness I can hardly stand it!

This past weekend we hosted a party to celebrate her milestone. It was fun to have family and close friends gathered around to watch her smash a cupcake into her mouth and dance around like the princess she is. I always try to keep things simple and low stress, but somehow my genetics always show thru and make things the opposite lol. Continue reading