Dodging Bullets

The other day my son exclaimed “I don’t wanna be a Christian.” My heart sank. In my head I was preparing a list of arguments to persuade him otherwise. But first I wanted to know why. “Why do you feel that way bud?” There I said it. It was out there, but did I really want to hear the answer? Continue reading

Sageism #01061407

“Mom the smoke coming out of those buildings looks like lots of tornadoes”

It was a very cold day and we were driving in a business area where all the furnace exhaust shoots out the top of the buildings like smoke stacks. There wasn’t much of a wind that day so the billows were going fairly straight up. He had a great observation!


Sageism #13200510

The only thing we are all perfect at is mistakes

Sageism #13200509

Sage: You can’t explain miracles.
Me: sure you can – God makes them happen
Sage: Well yeah but not how the miracle was done you know like the little stuff like how the thing moved or fixed

Sageism #13200508

Loosing a toy is better than dying

Sageism #134216

“If I had a genie I’d wish that candy was healthy”

Sageism #1304196

(said very matter of factually) Mom you’re doing good eating – my skinny mom is back, thanks.

Sageism # 03113

gumSage: Why did the gum cross the road?

Me: ummmm – so it didn’t get blown up? (yes this was a lame attempt to try and be right) Continue reading

Sageism #130207

whine-expert1I’ve gotten in the habit of whining back at Sage when he’s whining – prob not the best parenting, but it sure is fun for me. Last night was one such occasion. Sage just didn’t want to take a bath or a shower or move from the couch or or or…so Continue reading

Sageism #130125

I was explaining to Sage that “old grandma” (great grandma) fell and broke her arm. He asked lots of questions about how it happened. Continue reading