I’m Done


I’ve reached my weight loss goal! Officially 57 lbs down and 43 inches gone WHOOT WHOOT (yep tooting my own horn here!)
The cool thing about Medifast is Continue reading

Sageism #1304196

(said very matter of factually) Mom you’re doing good eating – my skinny mom is back, thanks.


“Fifty five down, six to go” is what I heard at my weekly weigh-in this week. WOW only 6 left and I’m at my high school weight!!! Yep 33 (almost 34) years young and back to my high school weight – well it’s in reach anyway.
Now I know Continue reading


YAY I am eleven pounds away from my goal weight! WHOOOT WHOOT

I’ve been getting ‘tired’ or amybe it’s ‘bored’ of the process being steady but slow, so I (along with the dietition) decided to change things up and step off the nursing plan (since I’m only nursing at bedtime anyway)- go on a different plan that’s a little more aggressive. I would like to get into maintenance STAT but have to get rid of those last 11 first.

Today is the first day I’m on the 4&2&1 plan – yes that’s a lot of numbers and I’m still learning what they all mean. I think I understand the general concept; however, I also know from the past, understanding and doing can be a bit different. So prayers are welcomed as I try and figure this out and hopefully see some great results next week. I would love to be at my goal come May 1st.


As I’ve mentioned before (and you can see by the ticker at the top of my blog) I’m working on loosing all the weight I gained from being prego with my daughter – I’m making great progress and feel great that I’m so close to my goal – less than 15 lbs to go. But with that comes me slacking a bit – ok a LOT. Sweets are so tempting and ‘cheating’ a little is happening a little too much some weeks. So a few weeks back my hubby surprised me with a special something Continue reading

Welcome Back

thumbs-up-smlI’ve realized lately that I haven’t been shuddering when I see my silhouette in the mirror. My weight is starting to get in the ‘normal’ range for me. It’s fun to wear my clothes again – I’m no longer having to spend so much energy trying to find items that hide the back fat rolls and don’t cling to the saddle bags and that my boobs are flopping out of.  I don’t have as many hard to hide spots – it’s so great to feel this way. My energy is back up, my mood and self esteem are elevated, and my clothes fit again! It’s nice to be back to ‘normal’ me! Now my physical me matches the mental me – Welcome Home Molly


For the past few weeks I’ve been in that in-between size. You know when the one size is too big, yet the size down is too small. So I’ve been making due with the too big size, but not feeling completely comfortable in my pants. I am having to either wear some sort of belt, or constantly hike them up to avoid tripping.
Tonight I was going through my closet trying to decide on an outfit for tomorrow, I realized I was down to 2 pairs of pants that actually kinda fit. And both pair would need to be washed if I needed to wear them tomorrow. 20130205-215436.jpgSo, out of sheer laziness of not wanting to stay up and do a load of laundry, I decided to try on some smaller pants. Continue reading

Going Against the Odds

Whew! I guess I was all nervous for no reason – down another 4 1/2 pounds over the past 2 weeks. I’m kinda impressed I did that AND it was over the holidays. I believe the latest statistic I saw said most Americans gain on average 10 lbs, and I lost 4 1/2. Starting to feel rather proud of myself on this one – the more and more I think about it.
I’m now over 2/3 of the way to my goal. Here I come. This was the push I needed to keep going.

THE Scale of the UNKNOWN

Due to the holidays and my crazy schedule it’s been 2 weeks since my last visit to Medifast EC. I’m a little nervous about what that scale is going to read. I feel really good about the choices I’ve made. Heck I have only eaten 3 Christmas Cookies of any kind, I didn’t make any Christmas goodies, passed on the pies sitting in our fridge, and only had a cup of Glorified Rice (my mother-in-law makes it so yummy) instead of a heaping bowl of the treat. I did have a few drinks of the adult nature that might hurt me, and I was less active than I wanted to be. I just don’t know what to expect. I’m hoping I went down a little in 2 weeks, but also trying to be realistic that it might have gone up. The past few months the scale has not been reacting the way I have hoped. In a last ditch effort today while I was on the mic I was standing instead of sitting and dancing to the songs. Yep upbeat was the theme of the day lol.
Praying I don’t have to do too much damage control.

Proud I’m still moving forward and ready to get back on schedule.

Shake rattle n drink

Well my daughter is getting to be an eating pro. She shovels the food in with her hands with great efficiency. This week I discovered a new favorite of her’s. My Medifast shakes. Whenever she heard the rattle of the shaker ball in the cup her eyes light up and she can barely contain herself. Today – photo evidence.

20121216-133304.jpg normal food Continue reading