Glory Gals Retreat


Let me start at the beginning tho – which was a little over a week ago. It was a Friday just like any typical Friday. I woke up early, got the kids and myself ready, brought the little one to daycare, went to work, talked on the radio…you get the picture. But this particular Friday I had this ‘thing’ stuck in my brain – a retreat for women. Getting 20ish cool and amazing ladies together, taking over a retreat center I know  about and worshiping God for the weekend – yes having fun girly time too.  It was something that had been gnawing away in there for a while so I was beginning  to think I should actually do it.

On occasion when my dad has a week day off of work he will stop by and we chat and enjoy my lunch break together. I love these times as it gives me opportunities to pick his brain and see him without kiddos eager for his attention. I don’t even remember how it came up Continue reading