Glory Gals Retreat


Let me start at the beginning tho – which was a little over a week ago. It was a Friday just like any typical Friday. I woke up early, got the kids and myself ready, brought the little one to daycare, went to work, talked on the radio…you get the picture. But this particular Friday I had this ‘thing’ stuck in my brain – a retreat for women. Getting 20ish cool and amazing ladies together, taking over a retreat center I know  about and worshiping God for the weekend – yes having fun girly time too.  It was something that had been gnawing away in there for a while so I was beginning  to think I should actually do it.

On occasion when my dad has a week day off of work he will stop by and we chat and enjoy my lunch break together. I love these times as it gives me opportunities to pick his brain and see him without kiddos eager for his attention. I don’t even remember how it came up in conversation, I know I wasn’t seeking to bring it up, but I mentioned to my dad this retreat idea that had been hanging out in my brain. Well brainstorming happened, and happened quickly! By the end of my lunch break I KNEW what God wanted me to do, and it was going to be big!

When work was over I quickly started contacting people that were on my heart to ask for help. BOOM right away they were excited and 100% on board! WOW next I contacted the retreat center to see if they had any time slots available in the first quarter of 2014 (per God’s request of course – and yes he can be specific). They had 2 weekends available and were willing to partner with me to make this happen. We were running full steam ahead!

I’ve been praying a lot and listening a lot – and when I remember to listen to God, and not myself, the plan is so apparent and comes together so smoothly. If you’ve never experienced walking completely side by side with God letting him lead your moves and removing 100% of your self from the picture you won’t understand how amazing this feeling is. I have let him lead before, but this time is even more amazing than the last. This time is even more – oh I don’t have a word for it so I’m going to say – fulfilling. This time is even smoother and more graceful and more heart warming than  the last.

I (along with the amazing crew of volunteers that is forming) am so excited to announce that on March 28-30th 2014 the very first Glory Gals Retreat will be taking place right here in Western Wisconsin! Lots of details are still being worked out, but in my heart and with God’s plan I know it’s going to be an amazing and powerful weekend. We are hoping to open up registration in the late January early February time frame.  We would be so honored if you would please join us in praying for this retreat!  We have a list of prayer requests on our website and will update as needed.


One thought on “Glory Gals Retreat

  1. My very best wishes to you and this wonderful new adventure. It sounds so amazing. You can be sure that I will be praying for you. We will be in Florida so unfortunately I will not be able to attend but look forward to praying for a blessed start!

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